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How to Navigate This Site

Click on the logo (at top left) to return to the opening screen.

Top Row Buttons

  • - Top buttons open general categories of information, as labeled. They glow when the mouse cursor passes over them.

  • - When you enter a general category, that button pales to show you where you are.

  • - When you enter a page via a side button, the pale top button will now glow when you pass over it with the mouse cursor. Click on the glowing top row button to return to that section's opening page.

Left Column Buttons

  • - For each general category, there may be associated buttons on the left. Each one of these opens a specific section that elaborates on its general category. They also glow.

  • - Upon entering that section, the side button pales as well.

Web Design, Infrastructure, Implementation and Maintenance


Updated: August 14, 2015